Sub-eye numbness after under-eye fat rearrangement surgery


Sub-eye numbness after under-eye fat rearrangement surgery


Q: Hello. I’m a single woman in my mid-30s. Three months ago, I went to a plastic surgery clinic to improve my dark circles and had surgery to rearrange the fat under my eyes. But the problem is that the sensation in the front part of one eye hasn’t returned yet. Is this nerve dead?

Also, after the surgery, the pupil of one eye was slightly covered than the original eye. I wonder why this is so. Thank you.

A: Fat repositioning is an operation that causes a lot of tissue damage. You can say that you can remove some of the fat, peel a lot under your eyes, and get hurt a little bit in the process of moving and deploying the fat.(Because I can’t see.) 비아그라파는곳

Not all human nerves are distributed equally. If an invisible sensory nerve is injured, you can tell you that there are rare cases where the area under control is numb.

I’ll be back in time. Don’t be too anxious. The frontal nerve of the face regenerates. If you wait a little longer, your senses will come back.

I’ll just tell you there’s no choice but to wait. It’s rare to see pupils covered. I think you’d better talk to the surgeon about this

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