Lee DaHae an easy-going actress who drinks makgeolli

Lee DaHae

Lee DaHae an easy-going actress who drinks makgeolli with chicken feet on a late night snack date

Lee DaHae

Actress Lee Da-hae told her how she has been doing.

Lee Da-hae posted on his Instagram on the 24th, “A few days ago, I ran out with an umbrella on a rainy night and made makgeolli and kimchi pancakes. “Feat. Chicken feet. ka,” he posted a photo.

In the photo released, Lee Da-hae visits a restaurant on a rainy evening and enjoys rice wine, kimchi pancakes, and chicken feet as a late-night snack. Lee Da-hae reveals himself eating chicken feet and shows off his easy-going charm, drawing attention

Meanwhile, Lee Da-hae has been in an open relationship with singer Seven since 2016

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