Jeon Hye-bin’s late pregnancy bikini is so shocking

Jeon Hye-bin

Jeon Hye-bin’s late pregnancy bikini is so shocking that I can’t say anything

Jeon Hye-bin

Jeon Hye-bin is a hot topic because she took a photo of a bikini that was in full swing.

Actress Jeon Hye-bin released a photo on her Instagram on the morning of the 26th with a message saying, “I can’t surf because it’s full, but I want to make you feel the freedom of a surfer, so should I take a picture of it at Jukdo Beach?”

He added, “#I think it came out in a big way #great satisfaction #haha.

In the released photo, Jeon Hye-bin poses on the beach wearing a bikini even on her husband and her late body. The beautiful D-line is eye-catching.

Meanwhile, Jeon Hye-bin married a dentist two years older than her in 2019 and is currently pregnant. He also chose the movie “19 and 39” as his next movie. “19 and Thirty-nine” is an emotional healing drama where alumni who reunited at the cafe of class president “Yeonmi” face the secrets they have hidden for 20 years and grow up understanding each other

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