I can’t believe my face is so swollen before and after Soyou’s


I can’t believe my face is so swollen before and after Soyou’s workout


Singer Soyou released her workout tips.

On the 27th, a video titled “30-minute ride on the stairs of heaven guaranteed to explode calories” was uploaded on the YouTube Soyogi channel on YouTube.

Soyou appeared in light sportswear that day. He said, “I’m not in a good condition today. It ended at 4 a.m. yesterday and the current time is 1 o’clock,” he said.

Soyou then said, “I’m on a keto diet, and many people ask me if I don’t exercise,” adding, “I also exercise.” “I’m going to exercise with you today,” he explained the content of the day.

He said he will give tips while doing a stepmill called the Stairway to Heaven. Soyou said, “I’m level 8 so I just ride it. Different instruments have different difficulty levels. “I need an accurate posture,” he said, signaling 30 minutes of exercise after setting it to level 8

Within a minute of the start, Soyou continued to exercise, saying, “It’s already getting difficult,” but added, “You have to keep doing lactate to lose body fat overall.”

While exercising, Soyou passed on exercise tips such as “strengthening her hips,” “so that her shoulders can’t be heard,” “strengthening her abs,” and “feeling like burning with her butt, not her legs.”

Soyou said, “Even if you boil it for 15 minutes in the morning, the swelling goes down. Please remember my current face. “How my face has changed since it’s over.” By the end of the 30 minutes of exercise, sweat poured out like rain, giving surprise 광주호빠

Soyou, who finished aerobic exercise on an empty stomach for 30 minutes, burned a total of 430 calories. He then added to his surprise by showing less swelling than when he started. Finally, Soyou gave diet tips, saying, “You need to eat lactate together to lose body fat.”

Singer에 게시되었습니다

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