Eun Ji-won has dating experience after divorce

Eun Ji-won

Eun Ji-won has dating experience after divorce and wants to remarry in a temple

Eun Ji-won

MC Eun Ji-won of MBN’s dating reality “Dol Singles 4” confesses her love experience after divorce.

In “Dol Singles 4 IN U.S.A” (hereinafter referred to as “Dol Singles 4”), which airs at 10 p.m. on the 30th, Dewey, Ricky, Benita, Sora, Jerome, Jimmy, Jisoo, Tom, Harim, and Hee-jin, who finished their self-introduction, will begin their full-fledged schedule at “Dol Singing House” in Cancun, Mexico.

In the broadcast on this day, there will be a variety of scenes, including the first dinner of Dolsing men and women, the opening time of Dolsing’s first information sharing, and the after-party with hot questions, accelerating their affinity for each other.

Meanwhile, Eun Ji-won confides in an honest answer to a surprise question from “Dolsing senior” Lee Hye-young about her dating experience after divorce. First of all, Eun Ji-won will defend first, saying, “I have a fear of dating,” when asked by Lee Hye-young, “Didn’t you feel like dating while watching the first episode of ‘Dol Singles 4?’ However, when a full straightforward question is asked, “Have you never been in a relationship with a divorce?” Eun Ji-won answers vaguely, “There is.”

In response, Yoo Se-yoon mentioned Jimmy, a dolsing man who said, “I have eight relationships since my divorce,” and asked the number of relationships, saying, “Up and Down?” and Eun Ji-won waved her hands, saying, “It’s not that much, Jimmy can’t win.” Attention is drawn to the scene on the first night of Dolsing men and women in the U.S., who revived Eun Ji-won’s love cells in her 12th year with the all-time scale and excitement index.

On the other hand, Eun Ji-won said during the disclosure of the reasons for the divorce of dolsing men and women, “I keep fighting with my spouse after marriage, so I get more nervous when I go home than when I’m outside.”I sympathize with him. “How exactly do you feel?When asked by Austin Kang, Eun Ji-won bursts into laughter with an extraordinary ‘quite’.

The production team said, “5MC’s tiki-taka talk following the first episode will add chewy fun, such as Eun Ji-won’s surprise remarks that she wants to get remarried at a temple.”

Meanwhile, “Dol Singles 4” reflected the still popularity and impact of the first episode, with the names and program names of the cast, including Jerome from the group X-Large, as well as Sora-Venita-Ricky-Harim, dominating the search word. It also proved its unrivaled popularity by topping Netflix’s domestic content just one day after the broadcast was released. The second episode of MBN’s “Dol Singles 4” will air at 10 p.m. on the 30th

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