Kwon Minah, a former AOA, will become the owner

Kwon Minah

Kwon Minah, a former AOA, will become the owner of an online shopping mall.

Kwon Minah

Actor Kwon Minah, a former member of the group AOA, is preparing to start a business.

Kwon Min-ah said on Money Today on the 31st, “We plan to open an online shopping mall between January and February next year.”

He said, “I’m preparing an online shopping mall. The brand will also be launched, he said. “The brand name is Seoul345, and it will handle a wide range of products such as clothing, basic cosmetics, miscellaneous goods, and limited editions.”

He added, “I am in charge of the design, concept, and concept myself.”

Kwon Min-ah has recently left her main job for a while and has focused on learning business. In July, he participated in marketing and idea planning at Cafe 345 located in Seogyo-dong, Seoul.

Kwon made her debut in 2012 with AOA’s first single, ‘Angels’ Story’. The following year, in 2013, he played Yoon Jin-young in KBS2’s “Adolescence Medley” and showed his presence as an actor. Since then, he has appeared in MBC’s “Hospital Ship” and KBS’ “Queen of Mystery 2.”

Kwon Min-ah left the group in 2020 due to the harassment of Shin Jimin, the leader of AOA, and is on a solo path. Shin Ji-min also left the group and left the entertainment industry, but recently returned through the audition program JTBC’s “Second World.”

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