Im Yoona thank you for working hard for 10 months at King the Land

Im Yoona

Im Yoona thank you for working hard for 10 months at King the Land

Im Yoona

Lim Yoon-ah became the second consecutive box office queen with “King the Land.”

Lim Yoon-ah was loved for her role as Angel, the first employee of the King Hotel, with a beautiful smile and outstanding ability in the JTBC Saturday-Sunday drama “King the Land” (playwright Choi Hyun-wook, production ANPO Entertainment, BY4M Studio, and SLL).

In the last episode, Angelang decided to leave King Hotel VVIP Lounge King the Land after serious consideration about life as a hotelier and set up his own small hotel, giving sympathy and impression to the small screen by choosing a new path in search of true happiness.

In addition, his romance with Koo Won-won (Lee Joon-ho), who has received a lot of support under the nickname of “One Love Couple,” also had a perfect happy ending with the blessing of his family, friends, and co-workers, drawing excitement from viewers until the end

King The Land, which gained huge popularity throughout the show thanks to its growth narrative and sweet romance, recorded its highest ratings of 13.8% nationwide and 14.5% in the Seoul metropolitan area (based on Nielsen Korea), proving its status as an actor once again.

Lim Yoon-ah said, “As it was a work that everyone did their best for 10 months, the fact that it ended seems more special. I worked really hard, but I really thank the viewers who watched and loved me with affection as if they were connected. Like the characters in “King the Land,” who found true happiness and grew up with sincerity, I will support all those who loved “King the Land” so that they can truly love themselves and find true happiness,” he said

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