Kwon Min, don’t curse at Amy’s father because I like sex

Kwon Min

Kwon Min, don’t curse at Amy’s father because I like sex

Kwon Min

Kwon Min-ah, a former member of AOA who caused controversy over bells, expressed her feelings again at dawn.

Kwon Min-ah began a lengthy post on her SNS on the 6th, saying, “I will just be honest.”

He added, “I’m sick of it and I keep saying that I’m going to pretend to be a victim, but I didn’t write that I’m a victim in my previous post, and I’m going to live in my own personality as a child.”

Kwon Min-ah said, “You can’t do that because you’re a public figure? I’m not going to write it as a public figure. “Then I’m willing to give up,” she said. “Don’t curse at Amy Abbey. You must have grown up with good parents. You swear a lot. “The more I do, the more I want to grind my teeth and do anything, and don’t worry about being out of your mind to deal with it.”

He said, “And the celebrities you trust? Do I still belong in there? Anyway, trust me and don’t give me everything. How many people do you think will match the innocent, clean, and unspeakable appearance on TV? Because my job is a public figure. That’s why I hide it and live under false pretense. Let’s all listen to it together. Not in the same group, including singers, actors, comedians, and so on. I don’t like pretending. I just want to live with my personality whether it’s too much or not. “If I live like that, I will attract fans and make a lot of money.”

Kwon Min-ah said, “But do I have to pretend to like someone I don’t like? And I’ve heard that a lot, too. Don’t trust people who put powder on their faces. That’s right. Don’t give too much. If you don’t regret it later, that’s it, but few people agree 100% not to get hurt, that’s what this job should do, that’s who it is. There is nothing I can do. We all have to make ends meet,” he said.

Especially, “I’m a two-legged, three-legged flower snake, flower snake guy? I’m not saying I did well because I’ve heard too much about violence. I’m sure there are people who laughed and smiled brightly and turned around to send hearts to fans. There are people who said they were “X” or “X” or “Dry cigarettes” so everyone is the same person. You don’t have to protect him, you don’t have to point fingers, you just have to see him as a normal person.”

And he said, “You said I’d like XX because I’m dating another guy after a guy case, right? “I’m honestly confident,” he said 광주호빠

“I’ll try, but it doesn’t change much. “I don’t really want to change it, so I’m going to live my life blindly and honestly no matter how anyone sees it,” he said, confessing his calmness to malicious comments.

Meanwhile, Kwon Min-ah made her debut with AOA in 2012 and moved to solo activities after leaving the team in 2019. Then last year, Jimin retired from the entertainment industry after revealing that he had been bullied by Jimin for the past 10 years. Recently, he talked about his issues and controversies on the YouTube channel “Gradually TV” fortune-telling talk show “God’s Hand, Blessing Show.”

▶ Hereinafter, specialized in SNS for Kwon Min-ah

I’ll just be honest.

You keep saying that you’re sick of it and that you’re pretending to be a victim, but I didn’t write that I’m a victim in my previous post. I’m not going to hold back my thoughts these days and I’m going to live my own way when I was young.

I don’t get mad at anyone for no reason, I don’t get hurt, but if someone says something or curses at me, I can treat it the same way, enjoy it, and it can lead to a better life, so I don’t hate it. It’s better than being indifferent. Anyway, I’ve always thought that the person who put up with it wins not only in his 20s but also in his teens, but at least it wasn’t me. On the contrary, the situation has become more unfair and difficult to reverse.

I’m just going to live with my honest personality. You can’t do that because you’re a public figure. I’m not going to write it as a public figure. Then I’m willing to give up. Amy, don’t swear at me while I’m talking about you. So you’re telling me to swear at someone who didn’t hurt you because Amy taught you so well? You must have grown up with good parents. You swear a lot. The more you do, the more you want to grind your teeth and do anything, and don’t worry about being out of your mind. You don’t have to stay still, and I’m also going to play games to solve. I’m not going to deal with everything. I’m going to pick someone I want to solve. From now on, Kwon Min, you’re going to live as you are. I didn’t force you to come if you didn’t want to see me, so don’t bother to come. I don’t really want it either.

Oh, and the celebrities you trust? Do I still belong in there? Anyway, trust me and don’t give me everything. How many people do you think will match the innocent, clean, and unspeakable appearance on TV? Because my job is a public figure. That’s why you hide it/ and live as a pretense/ Because everyone is trained and practiced in the public, it becomes a habit, but it pops out unconsciously. Let’s all listen to it together. Not in the same group, including singers, actors, comedians, and so on. I don’t like pretending. I just want to live with my personality whether it’s too much or not. If he lives like that, he will attract fans and make a lot of money.

But are you happy with the money you earn from it? I don’t talk about people who earn by their skills. And of course, there are fans who really care about you. But is there any need to pretend to like someone you don’t like? And I’ve heard that a lot, too. Don’t trust people who put powder on their faces. That’s right. Don’t give too much. If you don’t regret it later, that’s it, but few people agree 100% not to get hurt, that’s what this job should do, that’s who it is. There is nothing I can do. We all have to make ends meet.

But if you look at it closely, it’s disgusting. You said I’d like XX because I’m dating another guy after a man’s case, right? To be honest, I’m confident. I’m weak. I’m a two-legged, three-legged, flower snake, flower snake guy. I’m not saying I did well because I’ve heard too much about violence. I’m sure there are people who laughed and smiled brightly and turned around to send hearts to fans. There are people who said they were “X” or “X” or “Dry cigarettes” so everyone is the same person. You don’t need to protect me, you don’t need to point fingers, you can just look at me as a normal person.

There’s nothing special. I’m just gonna dress you up and paint you. Me? I’ll be 30 soon. I smoke, enjoy drinking, but I’ve never done anything against the law, I’m a man, I don’t like to talk behind the scenes, I don’t like to talk behind the scenes, I like to admit it quickly, I like to admit it. I don’t like to say anything.

I’ll try, but it doesn’t change much. I don’t want to change my mind. So I’m going to live my life to be honest. So you don’t have to say don’t deal with me while I’m stressed out. I’m trying to relieve my stress.

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